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Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Anonymous User 45160 07-Mar-2016

This Article describes how to create a Microsoft SQL Server Agent job step that executes Store procedure in SQL Server    by using SQL Server Management Studio.

 following the below steps

Step- 1

 right Click on jobs => New Job

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure
write  Job Name  My_Job  and job description.
Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Click On Step Button

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Click on  New Button
Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Write Step name and choose database name and write store procedure in command text box. after click to ok button.

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Click on Schedules button

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Step -7
Click to new button Create New Schedules
Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

Step- 8

Write Schedule name and set execution timing when you want to execute Job Scheduler.
and click to ok button.
Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

click to ok button complete your job scheduler creation process
Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure


Click on your job name which you have created.
Right click on your job name which you have created. and click on Start job at step.

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure


Here your have done complete Job Creation process  . click to Close button

Create sql server agent job to run stored procedure

I hope this article help full for you.

Updated 14-Mar-2018
I am a content writter !

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